The P&WV on the N&W

Nice color photos of the some P&WV power units, FM H-20-44s and FM H-16-44s, still in full P&WV colors just after the N&W takeover.

The GP35s never received a P&WV paint scheme as they were deliverered in the N&W flag.

N&W  1300 and 1301 Ex - PWV 100 and 101.  Note snow plows on both ends of 1300 as delivered.  No doubt a rocker knocker brorrowed from the WM.  In the lower photo, which was later the plows are no longer present. (457kb) N&W 1300 Ex - P&WV 100 circa 1970's.  Location unknow. (630kb) P&WV 92 and 64 after NW takeover.  Lambert's Point, VA.  circa 1965.  Still flying the P&WV flag. (610kb) P&WV 71 also working Lambert's Point, VA.  Circa 1965.  The NW repaint was still a few months away. (498kb)
P&WW FM 50 in for routine inspection.  Norfolk, VA. circa 1965.  Note the logo has faded as has the P&WV itself. (651kb) P&WV FM 66 and 62 still in P&WV colors, running light heading to the Lambert's Point coal docks.  Circa 1965. (848kb) P&WV FM H-16-44 #93 also still flying the P&WV flag at Roanoke, VA.  Circa 1965. (428kb)